Other resources
Project Report
Here you will find a report about this project. It includes some background information, who was involved, the aims and how we developed the training resources, and information about the evaluation of the website.
Select here to download it.
Full Research Report
Bigby, C., Douglas, J., & Iacono, T. (2018). Enabling mainstream systems to be more inclusive and responsive to people with disabilities: Hospital encounters of adults with cognitive disabilities report for the national disability research and development agenda. Living with Disability Research Centre, Melbourne. Available from http://arrow.latrobe.edu.au:8080/vital/access/manager/Repository/latrobe:42635
Checklists developed from this study
Checklists for delivering high quality care for people with cognitive disabilities in hospital
Published Paper
Iacono, T., Bigby, C., Douglas, J., & Spong, J. (2020). A prospective study of hospital episodes of adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 64(5), 357-367. Available from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jir.12725
Learning Resource
The La Trobe Support for Decision Making Practice Framework
This online learning resource is about support for decision making. It will present the first evidence-based framework to guide you through the process of supporting people with cognitive disabilities to make decisions. Using this framework will help you to enable the people you support to exercise choice and control in their own lives.